Continue Your Education on Your Library’s Website!

Logos from Lynda dot com, mango languages, learning express library, and universal class

A part of our mission is to provide for lifelong learning, and one of the ways we do that is through providing some top-notch learning resources on the library website.  All you need is a library card and internet access and you are on your way to learning a foreign language, practicing for the GED, developing computer skills such as using Microsoft Office Products to greater advantage, or designing a website through one of many products. is a leading online learning company that helps anyone learn business, software, technology and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals.  Video tutorials can be watched individually or as part of a learning path.  For example, if you chose “Become a Graphic Designer” learning path you would be provided with 24 hours of expert-created video tutorials, ways to reinforce your leaning with practice, and a document that certifies your efforts in this course.  Learning paths are available in 3D + Animation, Audio + Music, Business, CAD, Marketing and more!

Mango Languages offers training in 72 languages (including some you might not expect, such as American Sign Language, Biblical Hebrew, Cherokee, and Pirate!)  They provide information on the culture and even some video in foreign languages.  A built in microphone feature will give you feedback on the accuracy of your pronunciation.

Learning Express Library provides a variety of centers such as the Career Center that helps you prepare for career exams and get ready for WorkKeys assessments; a College Prep Center that offers effective prep for ACT, SAT, and college admissions essays; and High School Equivalency Center that helps you prepare for the GED or the HiSET.

Universal Class includes 31 areas of study including such diverse topics as accounting, homeschooling, and social work.  CEUs may be earned after completion.

So be a lifelong learner and continue your education!