Happy St. Patrick's Day! Have you met Libby, our amazing Library Reading App? Libby brings the library to your fingertips, allowing you to borrow eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines right from your device. It's like having the library with you wherever you go! Learn more about Libby and our other electronic resources here:https://miamipl.okpls.org/electronic_resources/ #StPatricksDay #Libby #ElectronicResourcesRead moreRead less

Join us tomorrow at Miami Public Library for a Meditation Monday, where we offer self-guided yoga groups. These sessions are free and open to everyone. Invite your friends and embark on your journey to zen and wellness. Groups will be held at 9:30 AM and at 5:30 PM on the following Mondays: January 13th, February 3rd, 10th, 17th, March 3rd, 10th, 24th, April 7th, 14th, and 28th. These groups are made possible by a grant from The Oklahoma Department of Libraries with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. #MoreThanYourGrandmasLibrary #Meditation Monday #YogaRead moreRead less

#OnThisDay in Ancient Rome, #JuliusCaesar was warned to "Beware the Ides of March." Caesar's ending was dramatic enough to be immortalized by Shakespeare, as was his life. Read more about him here on Newsbank: https://ow.ly/MshV50V1Fe7. To learn more about Newsbank and other electronic resources offered at Miami Public Library visist:https://miamipl.okpls.org/electronic_resources/ #NewsBank #OTD #TodayInHistory #IdesOfMarchRead moreRead less

News and More

New Books 1/8/18

Jan 5, 2018

If you are planning to do more healthy cooking this year, you might want to check out the How Not to Die Cookbook or the Whole30 Fast & Easy Cookbook.  If you are just wanting to eat out less, Dining In: Highly Cookable Recipes just might be the ticket.  All three cookbooks are part of this week’s line up along with a new quilt book, a book for writers, some new…

New Books 1/1/18

Dec 29, 2017

What do you want to learn this year?  There are resources in this week’s new books to help with several areas from genealogy (learn tools for locating tombstones, learn how one man attempts to coordinate the biggest family tree in history), home decor (learn to decorate in retro style, learn how to organize with a pleasing look), finance (learn how to prepare your 2017 tax…

Need Help Preparing Your Taxes?

Dec 28, 2017

  Did you know you can file a free federal and up to three state returns if your income in 2017 was $66,000 or less? Have a QUESTION while you are preparing your return? IRS certified tax coaches can help. Contact information: By Phone: 855-698-9435 By E-Mail:  info@myfreetaxes.com IRS certified volunteers will be answering questions from Monday-Friday 9 AM – 9 PM and     …

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